The Motivated Classroom

TPRS & co-created stories

Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling (TPRS): A guide to co-created class stories

Three-part online workshop on learning how to use Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) and co-created class stories in the language classroom delivered live by Dr. Liam Printer of The Motivated Classroom podcast. The online TPRS workshop is aimed at teachers who are new to TPRS or novices with using co-created stories in the languages classroom.

How is the workshop structured?

  • All previous Motivated Classroom workshops have been fully booked.
  • Early registration is advised to avoid missing out.
  • Places are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis.
  • There are currently just two places remaining on the March 2025 workshop.
workshop leader

Time and Dates:


  • The next 3-part TPRS workshop will take place on:
    • Saturday 15 March 2025
    • Saturday 29 March 2025
    • Saturday 12 April 2025
  • The 3-part TPRS workshop will take place from:
    • 08:30-10:30 Central European Time (Madrid/Paris)
  • Click here for global time-zone converter
  • The 3-part TPRS and co-created stories Motivated Classroom workshop is delivered online over three x 2 hour sessions
  • The 6-hour course is delivered over three Saturdays, with time in between to allow participants to practice and reflect.


i’m Dr. Liam Printer

Dr. Liam Printer is a published author and has been a teacher of English, French & Spanish in a variety of settings for over 16 years. He currently teaches Spanish at The International School of Lausanne in Switzerland and has most recently been ‘Leader of Pedagogical Innovation’, focusing on bringing research into classroom practice. Liam has been teaching with a CI-based approach for over 10 years and has been invited as the Keynote speaker at a number of international language teaching conferences.
personal trainer

Liam also lectures on the Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course with the University of Durham and the International School of Geneva. He completed his Doctorate on ‘the motivational pull of teaching languages through storytelling with CI’ at the University of Bath. Liam now hosts The Motivated Classroom podcast which has had over 450,000 downloads.

Liam has delivered full day training workshops on TPRS and co-created storytelling at a variety of schools as well as at the European Council for International Schools Multi-Lingual Conference in London.

What will we learn during the workshop?

  • The workshop is aimed at modern foreign language (MFL) teachers or world language teachers who want to learn more about the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) method of language instruction and how to start to use co-created class stories in the language classroom to build motivated, engaged learners.
  • This training workshop on TPRS and co-created storytelling takes participants through the whole story creation process, step-by-step from setting up the ground rules right through to finishing the story and assessing students’ knowledge.
  • The workshop will demonstrate how to start a TPRS story, build the storyline and narrative through co-creation and story asking.
  • Throughout the workshop, participants will receive a host of mini strategies, activities and tools that allow teachers to provide rich, compelling, comprehensible inputs (CI) alongside the TPRS story.
  • For part of the workshop you will be ‘students’ in my class, participating in a ‘live’ TPRS stories and experiencing the magic of a co-created story through the eyes of a student.
  • At the end of the workshop, participants will have the tools and resources to try out the following techniques in their classrooms:
language learning
  • Setting the ground rules for a TPRS story.
  • Beginning a TPRS story using student autonomy and inputs.
  • Building a TPRS co-created story using student voice and ideas.
  • Developing parallel characters.
  • Using student images for retrieval practice of the TPRS story.
  • Embedded readings for more inputs using the narrative from the story.
  • ‘Time writes’ to assess student proficiency at the end of the story.
  • A variety of ‘classroom jobs’ to build relatedness and bonds in the classroom.
  • Formal summative assessments of a co-created TPRS story.

What previous attendees said about Motivated Classroom workshops:

All around excellent! So engaging and fun right from the start. Liam’s leadership style, interaction with participants, and command of the information presented were stellar. This workshop exceeded my expectations and provided me with tangible tools I could instantly begin integrating. 

TPRS Workshop 2023: Amanda, German Teacher, USA.

Liam presented in a way that was well scaffolded, clear, empowering, and provided strategies that can be implemented easily and right away to my students. 

Arwen, French teacher, Canada

This workshop gave us very useful information, student friendly strategies and teachers effectiveness. Dr. Liam gives very specific tasks for us to put into practice what we learn, this let us try the new strategies and have immediate feedback in the next workshop with him. 

Lexandra, Spanish teacher, elementary. Quebec.

It was very thoughtfully planned with the perfect ratio between Liam’s sharing some theoretical knowledge/his experience, his doing demos and us trying to apply new knowledge immediately. Perfect balance between theory and practice, and the immediate application part made learning stick. Plus, there was an opportunity to reflect in a friendly and supportive atmosphere which also strengthened the new learning. 

Irina, French teacher, Canada.

Extremely engaging filled with practical information I can use right away. I loved being a student in his classroom and having a chance to have a go at it with each other. It was 2 hours per session but felt like 30 min.  

TPRS Workshop 2023: Fjola, Danish Teacher.

As a teacher just starting to use CI, I was very grateful for Liam’s step-by-step presentation of how to make TPRS work in a classroom. Despite it being an online format, it became clear how the different stages work due to demonstration and debrief afterwards. Also, Liam’s enthusiastic way of creating a story with us “students” and of talking about this approach was very inspiring.

TPRS Workshop 2023: Marlees, English Teacher, Germany.

Absolutely brilliant course covering all the basics of teaching using Comprehensible Input methods. Highly recommended!

Lucy, French and Spanish teacher, UK

This was a great workshop as it can be hard to imagine what co-creating a story actually looks like when one is new to this approach to teaching. I feel less daunted about this prospect now. You gave some great tips and your use of Prezi presentations is perfect as we can see your face along with the other participants and the tips in the corner. Thank you for your energy and enthusiasm.

TPRS Workshop 2023: Mhairi, Spanish Teacher, Bermuda.

The Motivated Classroom CI Workshop provides such an excellent balance of theory/research and practical tips, along with opportunities for participants to practice skills. The workshop has encouraged me to consider my practice and how I may be able to improve my teaching. I am excited to work to improve my teaching skills in the coming year and am grateful for a supportive community in my fellow workshop participants to reach out to along the way.

Kathryn, Japanese teacher, Australia

What is included in the course fee?

Included in the 220 CHF course fee:
  • The six hour live and interactive training course (3 x 2 hours)
  • Pre-course questionnaire analysis
  • Post-course e-mail support
  • Three 15-30 minute Q&A videos within 24 hours of each session
  • All presentations, handouts and resources will be provided digitally
  • A Motivated Classroom post-course certificate of attendance entitled ​”Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling (TPRS): A guide to co-created class stories”
By registering for this workshop, you are also supporting two projects that are close to my heart with 10% of all course fees going directly to:

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Other online workshops:

Add your name on the newsletter form below to be the first to know for other Motivated Classroom workshops. An email is sent to all pre-registered participants in advance of the booking form going public so as to ensure you have time to secure your place.

Group bookings / Purchase orders:

  • If you require a purchase order for your school or a pro-forma invoice, please contact with the details required. 
  • Places are not secure until the payment has been made.

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