TPRS stands for Teaching Proficiency Through Storytelling. It is a strategy for language teaching that focuses on the principle of providing students with lots of interesting, comprehensible inputs. It aims to achieve fluency through ‘asking’ a story with your students.
I first started to play with TPRS in 2013 before attending three separate workshops on it; one by founder of TPRS, Blaine Ray, another by Educational Consultant Beth Skelton and another by TPRS trainer Grant Boulanger in 2015. After the workshops I was sold that this could be an effective way to teach foreign languages using Dr Stephen Krashen’s theory of Comprehensible Input as its backbone.
Want to learn more? I run a 3-part online workshop on how to co-create TPRS stories with your classes. Read more here.
Also, on my blog I share my experiences with using it and any resources I use over in the classroom that may be of benefit to others. Click on the file below to download a one page overview with some useful links to get you started!
Hello! I’m Dr. Liam Printer. Thank you for stopping by!
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