The Motivated Classroom


Students across all my Spanish classes got involved in some super fun speed dating on their very first day of classes this year... even the complete beginners! It is such a great activity to help them get to know each other, practice speaking and build their confidence.

With my slightly more advanced classes (those with 1 or 2 years of Spanish) I got the students to write 5 questions in pairs on a mini whiteboard. The questions could be anything really but they had to have at least 1 question in past tense and 1 question in future tense. Once they were finished they practiced a little with each other. Then I set them up so they were all facing someone from a different group. The whiteboards stayed on one side of the desks and the students moved around place to place after exactly 1 minute when an alarm would go off. This meant they were reading and using other people's questions too. It worked incredibly well and the students loved moving around the room and chatting to each other.

Some of their hand-writing leaves a lot to be desires so the activity also served nicely in showing them that if they don't write clearly they can't receive the marks they deserve as the examiner might not be able to read it! 

With my beginner class the questions were scaffolded for them on the board with the first word of the answer to help them. It still seemed to work well for them even though they were asking the same questions at each spot but I didn't do as many rotations. Definitely a great activity I will be using again to drill certain structures.