The Motivated Classroom


So I've just had my first day of classes today... and yes today is Saturday. Working at an International Boarding School certainly has its advantages but there are also some downsides every now and again. Having said that, it was just a short half day so the students can meet their teachers and find their way around the building so we are 100% ready for full lift off on Monday.

As I embark on a new year I've decided to try and log some teaching and research goals for the year:

  1. Research how effective TPRS (Teaching proficiency through storytelling) is with higher level classes
  2. Use more technology inside the classroom but based on the students' own recommendations
  3. Observe more teachers classes in order to share (and steal!) new ideas once per week
  4. Maintain a language learning diary with all students for the entire year
  5. Use the 'language ambassador' idea every two weeks in every class

I'm confident all of these goals are very achievable and I'm hoping just writing them here will encourage me to keep on top of them even more. If there are any other language teachers out there with similar plans for the year I'd love to hear from you and we can maybe collaborate and share our progress.